
District Panchayat

Gujarat Panchayat Act 1993, is in force in Gujarat state subject to the 73rd amendment in the constitution of India. By this act, the management and monitoring of the panchayati Raj is to be done in the state.

Three tier system prevails in Gujarat state viz.

  1. Gram Panchayat
  2. Taluka Panchayat
  3. District Panchayat

Functions of three-tire panchayat structure in Gujarat state are distributed as under:

Gram Panchayat

  • Drinking water facilities for domestic use and for animals.
  • Scavenging of roads in the villages.
  • Maintenance of govt. properties.
  • Lighting arrangement in villages.
  • Spread of education including primary education in villages.
  • Planning of rural development.
  • Supervision of crops in the outskirt of village.
  • Planning for agricultural improvements.
  • Planning for agricultural improvements.

Taluka Panchayat

  • Provide health and hygiene services in talukas.
  • Control on epidemics
  • Constructions and maintenance of village roads.
  • Establishment and management of primary schools.
  • Agricultural improvements and planning at taluka level.
  • Women welfare, development on youth activities and assistance.
  • Help in natural & manmade disasters like flood, fire accidents etc.

District Panchayat

Control over activities of district panchayats, taluka panchayats and gram panchats, to provide assistance. Management and control on activities transferred from revenue, education co-operation Irrigation, Cattle breeding, agriculture by State Govt. work of activities of Panchayats Department at district level.